Sophie love philosophy


点开365,出现345之365。竟没有觉察到这一年已渐入尾声。光阴如白驹过隙。我喜欢这个365功能,它随时提醒着我时光在流逝。 今天分享一些上课的心得。There is a vip student called Hanna. She is a housewife. I have taught quite a few lessons. When she was 0 foundation level, she was a good student. She focused on the class and learnt fast. Now she is M1 vip, and she has 1 on 1 private class. However, it is very obvious that she is not as good as before, even she forgets many words and expressions from M0. It is indicated that, the way of learning is much more significant than knowledge. Some low-level students make impressive progress owing to their learning skills (good ways/habits of learning), i.e. taking notes when it is necessary, and making use of the knowledge that they know (esp. oral English)and not be afriad of making mistakes, which enables them to learn more so that improve quickly.  Besides, Hanna seems to be distracted by household chores, which makes her even slower in improving her English skills. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, knowledges of different field has connections. If you have good way of learning, no matter what subject you learn, you will learn it well.
